ReCon Waste Management

ReCon Waste Management Ltd.

Recon is committed to the delivery of cost-effective, green, and efficient service to the local business sectors, whilst participating in government processes in order to sustain our local environment. ReCon Waste Management process and recycle waste. We are based near Portadown, County Armagh in Northern Ireland. Typically, waste streams comprise all kinds of wastes including sweeper, inert and Non-hazardous excavation. Being centrally located just outside Portadown with quick and easy access to the M1 motorway system, we are well placed to respond to a wide geographic area. We’re committed to providing efficient cost-effective solutions to client’s problems, acting promptly and responsibly to consumer demands.

The amount of waste the UK produces continues to increase year on year. Over recent years key environmental legislation has placed the onus of responsibility upon the waste producer, consequently opening the need for companies to identify waste and determine which way it should be handled and treated or where possible recycled.

The most common methods of waste disposal i.e. landfill and incineration pose many environmental concerns and simply cannot handle the massive waste streams currently being generated. With the increase in landfill tax becoming more prevalent it is necessary to state that various domestic companies will be forced to recycle their waste material in favor of a landfill. Some of the waste which shall be brought to ReCon Waste Management cannot be put in landfill directly and must, therefore, be treated and recycled.

We aim to enable local companies to face up to the challenges of even tougher environmental legislation and the increasing cost of waste disposal by giving them a viable option. We expect demand to be high for our particular service as due to government guidelines i.e gully waste must be treated before going to landfill – We aim to meet this demand.

Recycling Breakdown

Below you can see a typical breakdown of product outputs from our road sweeping and gully waste treatment plant.

Sand: Used by utility contractors to lay power cables, in construction projects and concrete products.

Pea Gravel: Used by construction companies for laying pipes, drainage applications, and concrete products such as gully pots.

Drainage Stone: Used by local farmers for shoring and drainage of agricultural land.

Water: Used in-house for washing and treating incoming waste.

Mixed Dry Recyclables: Washed, baled, and transported to various facilities for processing into new products.

Organics: Organic fractions now used as components in End of Waste Products.

Other materials: we also recycle soil and stones and construction and demolition waste. We offer a recycling rate of up to 100% on these materials. As many of our customers include local councils this is a great boost to recycling rates they can achieve.

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